Friday, April 30, 2010

Made Just For Me To See

Made Just For Me To See
I was out walking one day, in a place I had never been before.
A small creek flowed lazily by,
as colorful fish played hide and seek among the rocks.
The ground was covered with a blanket of thick, glossy green moss.
The pines and the oaks were so tall and close together in places,
the sun could only filter through.
Scattered through the mighty oaks and pines were soft blooms of the white dogwood,
wild pink azalea, and yellow tulip trees.
The yellow jasmine, red wood vine and creamy white moon vines wrapped
through the trees like Christmas lights.
Growing in the glossy green moss are small flowers of every kind and color.
Squirrels and chipmunks played among the oaks,
chasing each other up and down the trunks.
Rabbits dined on the abundant ferns and drank from the lazy creek.
The songs on many birds played among the trees.
As I walked along,
I beheld the beauty that unfolded before me.
I thought surely this could only be a masterpiece;
created by the Master Himself.
He had made it special
and kept it beautiful,
made just for me to see.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

But, Suddenly Gone

But, Suddenly Gone

We lose them one-by-one,
no one can explain why or for what reason.

One minute they are there,
the next they are gone.

Sweet, beautiful little girls with eyes of brown
or maybe blue or green.

With long dark hair, or maybe light short hair.

Wondering what their lives hold in store,
what will they be?

But then suddenly,
they are just gone.

Rough and tumble little boys,
with bright eyes looking to the future.

Wondering what life has in store for them later on.

But suddenly they are just gone.

What could they have been?????????????

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Face to Face

Face to Face
She went away early one morning;
there was no time for a last goodbye;
or even an I love you.
One minute she was;
the next she wasn't.
She left behind many hurting family and friends
that would have to go on without her.
The pain was sharp,
the hurt was deep,
the grief hard.
But she left behind the troubles of her life here.
The pain she endured everyday was now gone.
She was home now.
And behold she entered into that City and met Him,
her Jesus face-to-face.

Turtle Swimming Party

Turtle Swimming Party

Down in the meadow by the sycamore trees is a brook fed pond.

At one end grows tall green weeds;
at the other are dark smooth rocks.

Scattered across the surface of the pond are multi-colored water lilies;
pink, white, blue, and yellow.

Over by the sycamore trees where one fell during a storm;
it is now part in the water and part out.

Living all around the pond are many different kinds of animals.

But the funniest of all the animals are the turtles.

From the time the sun wakes each day until it goes back to sleep each night;
this happy band of turtles play in and around the pond.

They dive off the smooth brown rocks;
they play hide and seek among the reeds.

They play tag among the blooms of the water lilies and use the fallen sycamore tree as a slide.

They swim and glide in the clear blue water;
racing from one end of the pond to the other.

They rest among the soft green grass and sun on the smooth brown rocks.

But they don't rest or sun for very long;
cause play is much more fun.

This happy band of turtles loves playing all day long.


He had never hurt so bad before,
the searing pain tore through his small body.
Every move he made only caused more pain, there was no way to get away from it.
He tried to lay very, very still;
but it even hurt to breathe.
He turned his head slightly and looked out at the star filled sky.
Then gently he whispered "I love you".
A soft gentle whisper came back to him,
"I love you too".
He whispered,
"Can't I come home now,
then pain is so bad?"
The answer came back in a quite whisper,
"Come home now, come on home."
A frail little hand reached up into the shaft of silver light that had now filled his room.
The warm light enveloped the tiny boy, then faded away.
The boy was now free of pain,
he will never be abused again.
For now he is nestled in the arms of the Father.
He looks up into warm brown eyes and whispers,
"I love you,
thank you for bringing me home."
He snuggles down in those big strong arms and sleeps peacefully for the first time in a long time.
The Father holds him close and whispers,
"I love you too."
Roma 9/12/2009

At the Master's Knee

At the Master's Knee
Early one morning several weeks back,
before the sun woke the day,
God stepped out on the balconly of Heaven and whispered her name.
She recognized His voice for she loved Him so,
and had for many years.
Without hesitation she answered His call and her Saviour and Lord came to our
house that morning and took her home.
Here she couldn't see very well and her legs were full of pain.
But now she stands on brand new legs and her eyes are sparkling new.
She's back with many friends and family that made their way home first.
She's in His beautiful garden;
enjoying flowers that never die.
She sits beneath a crystal sky on grass of deepest green.
She walks the street of purest gold down to the river of life.
She soaks in all the beauty that surrounds her everywhere;
she once again sees the colors that had almost faded away.
But what she loves the most is Him; for now she is in His presence.
She walks and talks and sits with Him and tells Him of her love for Him.
Even though we miss her so,
she is right where she wants to be,
for she is in His presence,
sitting at the Master's knee.
Roma 3/25/2010